How To Transcend Rumination
Candy Widdifield, M.Ed.
Certified Master Coach
Dear Candy Q&A: Are you Overwhelmed?
Dear Candy Q & A: Frustration with Progress
Dear Candy Q & A: The Freeze Response
Dear Candy Q&A: Are you Addicted to your Emotions?
Dear Candy Q & A: Catching Missed Thoughts
Dear Candy Q & A: Loneliness, FOMO, & Feeling Excluded
Dear Candy Q & A: Dealing with Anger & Finding well-regulated people
Dear Candy Q & A: 10 Things to do when you're overwhelmed
Dear Candy Q & A: Training with OCD (or persistent negative thought patterns)
Dear Candy Q & A: Training with EHS
Dear Candy Q & A: Panic Attacks/Severe Anxiety; Retraining the Immune System
Dear Candy Q & A - Core Beliefs
Dear Candy Q & A - Triggers for Rounds, Decreasing Adrenalin, & Morning Routine
Dear Candy Q & A - Your Nervous System
Dear Candy Q & A - Forgiveness (Part 1)
Dear Candy - Managing Stress
Dear Candy - How to stay motivated to go the distance