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Writer's pictureCandy Widdifield

Dear Candy Q & A: Practical Strategies for Simplifying

Candy Widdifield

May 16, 2022

3 min read

A couple of blogs ago we discussed the importance of simplifying when it comes to brain retraining practices. Today we are going to talk about ways to simplify in general. Again, when we are overwhelmed it affects our limbic system and our nervous system, and as a result it negatively affects our wellbeing and recovery journey. Sometimes what is required is a shift in perspective. Other times, we can benefit from practical actions such as simplifying our lives. Here are some ways to help you simplify:

Cut out what is unnecessary. Distinguish between needs and wants. Take a step back and ask yourself, "is this positively contributing to my life?" If it isn't, then consider letting it go. Additionally, have a look at how much you do for others that they could be doing for themselves.

Delegate. Part of learning to set boundaries is learning to delegate tasks. Often people with limbic system impairments feel they need to do everything themselves. I know that I fell into the category of, "if you want it done right, do it yourself!" I can laugh at that now, but at the time it was hard to give up control. Learn to let go and to accept that maybe things won't be done exactly how you would do them, but when you weigh that against the burden taken off your shoulders & the benefits to your wellbeing, it may be the best thing for you.

Give yourself permission to say no. Again, this is part of setting boundaries. If it is not a necessity or adding to the wellbeing of you and your family, then say no. If that is a big struggle for you, consider starting with, "not at this time" or "not now". Also, look at how much you say yes to help others at your expense, and then consider changing this dynamic.

Prioritize. When the limbic system is upregulated, it likes to convince us that everything is super important and needs to be done right now. We have trouble distinguishing between what actually needs to be done and what can wait. It can also convince us that we need to continually add more and do more. When this happens, it is good to first recognize it for what it is, pause and take a deep breath, bring mindful awareness to the present moment, and ask yourself, "Is this really important or can it wait?"

Increase appreciation and gratitude for the simple things. When we feel a level of satisfaction with simplicity in our lives, we don't have the same longing that drives us to do more or have more in our lives. The first step in increasing appreciation is to learn to accept where we are at. Then we can start to find the beauty all around us. For myself, I find it in fresh flowers, being in nature, our dog, a good meal, letting the sun shine on my face, breathing the air after it rains, doing my morning practices to set the tone for my day, sending "thinking of you and sending you good vibes" texts to my friends & loved ones, and sitting down to enjoy a hot cup of tea without distractions. Find what you appreciate and enjoy, and bring them into your daily routine.

Until next time!

If you have a question, please email me at


Candy Widdifield is Registered Clinical Counsellor, Wellness Coach, and Registered Reiki Master Teacher in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. She works with people all over the world, helping them to optimize their wellbeing and thrive in their lives. Her modalities include coaching, therapy, Holy Fire World Peace Reiki and the Safe & Sound Protocol. More information about Candy can be found at

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